This was my first Fish & Chip run with the Pan Clan, Yet again I met new people and yet again all very pleasant.
We set of for Kinross and headed out towards Leslie via Kinross, eventually turning off for the Falkland Hills back road.
At Falkland we had our first incident. Turning out of Falkland at an awkward roadworks one of the Pans went down(Its on Video Bobby, Sorry but I feel for the good of the club and purely as a safety demonstration, I should show it) and on that note nothing damaged other than ego's but certainly made me remember to never rush or turn to quickly on a heavy bike.
Further down the road we lost some members but later we met up in Anstruther.
Incident two, the chap with a Goldwing dropped it whilst parking next to me, luckily again no damage and my bike came to the aid off the gentleman allowing him to be crushed between the two bikes. No damage done but what a strange night for falling bikes.
Some of us headed back for coffee at Kirkcaldy. It sounds like a funny sort of night but it was a lot of fun despite dull weather, falling bikes and lost riders.
My third experience with the group and I have to say not only am I enjoying a wonderful bike but also a wonderful club.
Thanks to George for the run.
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